Галоўная/Пресса/If flowers could speak… (2008, The Minsk Times)

If flowers could speak… (2008, The Minsk Times)

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press2008-34aBall of Flowers ballet opens at Belarusian State Musical Theatre

The performance is dedicated to the famous choreographer George Balanchine. In 2004, the world celebrated the 100th anniversary of his birth and the initial version of the current performance was prepared for this date. It lasted just 20 minutes and was staged at the Belarusian State Choreographic College. "I’ve  long dreamt of showing a full version of the Ball of Flowers," stresses chief ballet-master Natalia Furman.

"Only now, have I managed to bring the idea to life. It was difficult to choose the right music but we selected Frederic Chopin, Edvard Grieg and contemporary American composer Robert Moran."

Jointly with chief artist of the theatre, Lyubov Sidelnikova, Ms. Furman took part in creating the costumes for the ballet, which look like flower-buds – roses, crocuses and violets, hyacinths, gillyflowers and tulips. The ballet is a series of dances, accompanied by wonderful music – but little plot. The orchestra is accompanied by a string quartet and a piano and pupils from the Choreographic College perform jointly with the ballet company. Another premiere took place the same evening: Masterpieces of World Choreography. This includes 8 pieces from the world’s most famous ballets and is to be performed monthly on the theatre’s stage.

Artur PRUPAS (photo).
The Minsk Times. – 2008. – 24 Apr. – P. 9.

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